Interpreting Services

Long Business Description

nCenter for Hearing & Deaf Services, Inc. (HDS), a non-profit agency, has evolved over 100 years to provide a wide range of professional services for people who are Deaf, Dead-Blind, and Hard of Hearing. Locations in Pittsburgh, Greensburg and Erie. Services include day program for individuals with intellectual disabilities, interpreting services, and ASL Lessons.n

Business Website Address
Business Voice Phone Number
V/TTY (412) 281-1375
Business Name
Business Category
Long Business Description

nProvides a listing of area ASL interpreters.n

Business Website Address
Business Voice Phone Number
Business Category
Long Business Description

nFocuses mainly on American Sign Language and the Deaf community, our services can also be generalized to include people with other, unique communication differences.n

Business Voice Phone Number
V: (412) 506-8925 Cell/Text: (412) 875-5976
Business VP Phone Number
(412) 228-0062
Business Category
Long Business Description

nProvides access to certified, registered, highly qualified, American Sign Language (ASL) interpretersn

Business Voice Phone Number
(412) 400-2021
Business VP Phone Number
VP (412) 944-2145
Business Category
Long Business Description

nSign Language Specialists (SLS) is a group of nationally certified and qualified pre-certified sign language interpreters who are dedicated to the interpreting professionn

Business Website Address
Business Voice Phone Number