A subscription-based website for ASL video lessons.
ASL website with advanced and specialized terminology
American Sign Language (ASL)/English Interpreting for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing at Commonwealth University - Bloomsburg prepares you for a variety of job settings such as legal, educational, medical, and more
Allegheny County Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health
Bureau of Adult Mental Health ServicesSupports mental health services for adults residing in Allegheny County.
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Allegheny County Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Allegheny County Department of Human ServicesOffice of Behavioral Health
Bureau of Drug and Alcohol ServicesSupports drug and alcohol prevention and treatment services for youth and adults residing in Allegheny County.
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
A.S. degree in ASL/English interpreting.
Resource for a variety of professionals-in-training, including those in the mental health fields, sign language interpreters, and healthcare professionals.
Free service for professional development opportunities, accessible videos, educational materials and ASL materials. Geared towards families with D/HH children, D/HH and ASL educators, interpreters, etc.
Assisting people with disabilities to live how and where they choose by providing home and community based services.