Office of Vocational Rehabilitation in Allegheny County

The Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, or OVR, provides vocational rehabilitation services to help persons with disabilities prepare for, obtain, or maintain employment. OVR provides services to eligible individuals with disabilities, both directly and through a network of approved vendors. Services are provided on an individualized basis The OVR counselor, during face-to-face interviews, assists customers in selecting their choice of vocational goals, services and service providers. An Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) is developed, outlining a vocational objective, services, providers and responsibilities. Certain services are subject to a Financial Needs Test (FNT) and may require financial participation by the customer. Counseling and guidance, diagnostic services, assessments, information and referral, job development and placement, and personal services such as readers or sign language interpreters are provided at no cost to the individual.

Contact Person: Erika Kauffman, Supervisor

Address: 531 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Phone: 412-246-8051

Fax: 412-565-7587

Population served: ID, dual diagnosis, kids, adults etc – Individuals with all disabilities, including deafness and hearing loss.

Number of Clients Served Annually: In general, our counselors work every year with thousands of persons who have physical, mental and emotional disabilities.

Qualifications of Staff: We have two counselors who has master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling, and they specializes in working with deaf and hard of hearing clients.

Language Fluency: Both counselors havr SCPI certification. They communicate in American Sign Language, PSE, Sign Exact English, and etc., though they are able to accommodate the client based on her/his preference on language/communication methods.

Accreditation: One counselor has a Certificate in Rehabilitation Counseling, CRC.

Accessibility: Our office is accessible to all individual with disabilities. Both counselors are able to travel out in the community to meet with the clients for meetings.