Helen Keller National Center is pleased to announce a new online course aimed at preparing mental health professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to support individuals who are deaf-blind.
Working with individuals who are Deaf-Blind: A course for Mental Health Professionals
This course provides mental health professionals with information and resources that will help them assist individuals who are deaf-blind and their support network as they adjust to a dual sensory loss and the impact it has on their life including change of identity, role in the family, communication and social interactions. Their support network may include members of their family, friends, the community, and their coworkers. Strategies and helpful tips will be illustrated throughout the modules.
The course is divided into the 5 following modules:
- Rapport Building and Positive Connections: The Role of the Mental Health Professional
- Introduction to Deaf-Blindness and Etiologies
- Communicating with Individuals who are Deaf-Blind
- Ensuring Equal Access and Participation
- Possible Psychological Implications of Deaf-Blindness
We hope that your organization will take advantage of the online learning options available through HKNC. Please check our website for announcements of our new courses at www.helenkeller.org/hknc/online-courses. For more information please contact the Professional
Learning Department with any questions about on-site or online professional learning opportunities at PLD@hknc.org.
Best regards,
Sue Ruzenski, Executive Director
Chris Woodfill, Associate Executive Director
Laura Thomas, Director Field Services
Laura Rocchio, Director Direct Services
Deborah Harlin, Director, IRPD