Emotional Health: therapy, social groups and medicines
Therapy, social activities, and medicine can help
Therapy, social activities, and medicine can help
Are you an alcoholic? A drug addict. Are you frustrated, struggling or having problems due to the alcohol and/or rugs in your life? Are alcohol, cocaine, pot or pills messing up your family, your work, your everyday life? Do you wonder what you can do or where you can go to find help? One place … Read more
The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to inform deaf and hard of hearing consumers about mental health care and how they can go about getting services. Obtaining mental health care is a very personal and individual decision. It is very important that consumers are aware that they can ask for what they need. If … Read more
Have you ever watched a television show or been at a seminar and you just missed some of the words? Hard of hearing individuals often mishear information on a daily basis. Don’t you wish there was a way to support hearing in noisy environments so that you didn’t miss the message – or the comedic … Read more
Support Group for Newly Diagnosed infants and babies with hearing loss July 21, 9:30 – 11:30: Baby & Parent Group. An education and support group for parents and their infants with hearing loss. DePaul School for Hearing and Speech, 6202 Alder Street, Pittsburgh 15206. Contact ll@depaulinst.com or call 412-924-1012.
People who are Deaf or hard of hearing use a variety of ways to communicate. Some rely on sign language interpreters or assistive listening devices: some rely primarily on written messages. Some people can speak but cannot hear. Effective communication is particularly critical in health care settings where miscommunication may lead to misdiagnosis and improper … Read more
Persons with hearing loss often have difficulty conveying and receiving important health related information. A new Pittsburgh based website offers information about timely health and mental health topics, communication tips, local resources, supports and related health links for Deaf, Deaf-blind and hard of hearing people.
Are you feeling alone at home? No communication at home? Do you want meet old or new friends? Come and join Deaf social events and also check out the calendar events on the website. Pittsburgh Association of the Deaf Clubhouse – Social/activities.TTY/VP: 412-566-7778 Western Pennsylvania Deaf Senior Citizen (WPDSC) – Senior Citizen Deaf Club.WPDSC Member … Read more
Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) has a Pittsburgh chapter (Hearing Loss Association of Pittsburgh) with meetings held at DePaul School for Hearing and Speech in Shadyside on the third Saturday of each month except June (Chapter Picnic), July, August and December (Chapter Holiday Party). At the meetings, which start at 10AM, the first 30 … Read more
General top five tips on how to communicate with a Hard of Hearing individual 1. Remember that just because a person can hear your voice, it does not mean they can understand and hear your words perfectly. Face the person directly and stand close enough. Face the person directly and stand close enough for them … Read more