Deaf Strong Hospital in Harper’s Magazine

Healthbridges comment: The current issue of Harper’s Magazine includes an article that features Deaf Strong Hospital. DSH was part of our presentation together for the 2015 ADARA in Rochester. When I was nineteen, my grandmother suffered a heart attack. I sat by her side while she was slumped in her hospital bed, and watched her … Read more

Safe Interactions with Police

A collaboration Project shared with permission from advocates from Oregon Law Enforcement and Oregon Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Traffic stops can be dangerous. The following video from Oregon outlines how to stay safe when pulled over by law enforcement officers. This video is made by DHS – Oregon Department of Human Services, … Read more

How to use VRS (Video Relay Service)

VRS is a free, 24/7 service which guarantees citizens who are deaf (or hard-of-hearing) and use American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate, access to prompt, professional and accurate communication through a certified ASL (American Sign Language) interpreter via a high-speed internet connection and a video relay solution (or VRS call option). VRS is provided through … Read more

How to use PA relay

To use VRS to receive a call, #3, I recommend including something in regards to “not hanging up”. Often times callers who receive this kind of call hang up instantly thinking it is a scam call or whatever. It is nice to remind them to not hang up when they hear this is a relay call.

First Responder Communication with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Citizens

Deaf and Hard of hearing persons and first responders such as police officers and emergency medical personnel often have great difficulty in communicating on their first encounter. This may be a time of high stress for everyone. Learn more about how to safely communicate in a video borrowed on permission from a workgroup in Spokane, Washington.

Link: Closed Captioning and Other Assistive Technology

Assistive technologies are those that assist people with disabilities. Any form of communication, electronic device, or technological tool that assists or helps the blind, deaf, vision- or hearing-impaired, or those with limited mobility falls under the category of assistive technologies. assistive technologies are those that assist people with disabilities. Visit the web address: Closed Captioning … Read more

Assistive Technology

1208 - Assistive TechnologyDifferent types of assistive technology can make a huge difference in the lives of a person who is deaf, hard of hearing or deafblind. Some types of assistive technology allow a person to feel more safe in their home. Other products make communication with others more easy.