Top 5: Communicate with Deaf

General top five tips on how to communicate with a Deaf individual 1. Relax. Be yourself; do not go overboard when meeting a Deaf individual. Get the Deaf person’s attention and make eye contact. To get their attention, tap the person on the shoulder or wave your hand. 2. Speak slowly and normally, but do … Read more

Hospital Access for Hard-of-Hearing People

Credit goes to Nancy Kingsley, author of Hearing Loss Association of Pennsylvania Introduction Hospitals are required by law to provide access to people with disabilities, and this includes the provision of effective communication to those with hearing loss, whether they are patients or persons who have the authority to make healthcare decisions for the patient. … Read more

Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Other Advocacy Organizations: Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing ODHH provides three primary services, represented by the acronym AIR. We ADVOCATE for people with hearing loss who are not receiving proper services from government or private agencies. We distribute INFORMATION and answer questions on issues relevant to people with hearing loss. We REFER people … Read more

Disability Rights Pennsylvania

Other Advocacy Organizations: Disability Rights Pennsylvania The mission of the Disability Rights Pennsylvania is to advance, protect, and advocate for the human, civil, and legal rights of Pennsylvanians with disabilities. Disability Rights Pennsylvania (DRP) is a statewide, non–profit corporation designated as the federally-mandated organization to advance and protect the civil rights of adults and children … Read more

Family and Mental Health Consumer Organizations

Advisory Board on Autism and Related Disorders (ABOARD)Address: 35 Wilson Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15223E-mail: support@aboard.orgWebsite: aboard.orgPhone: 412-781-4116, toll free: 1-800-827-9385 National Alliance on Mental Illness, Southwestern Pennsylvania (NAMI)Address: 105 Braunlich Drive, McKnight Plaza, Suite 200, Pittsburgh, PA 15237Phone: 412-366-3788, toll free: 1-888-264-7972Email: info@namiswpa.orgWebsite:

Additional Behavioral Health Services – Early Intervention

ACHIEVA Early InterventionContact: Sharon Richards, srichards@achieva.infoAddress: 711 Bingham Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203 Number of Clients Served Annually: Annually, services were provided to 1,326 infants and toddlers in six counties. Alliance for Infants and ToddlersAddress: The Hough Building, 2801 Custer Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15227Phone: 412-885-6000 Child Development CenterAddress: Children’s Oakland Medical Building, 3420 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA … Read more

Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare

Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Contact:Ms.Valerie Vicari, Director, Division of Western Operations. Jay Jaquette, Acting Community Program Manager. Richard Latsko, Allegheny County Team Leader. Address: 301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 480, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Qualifications: Experience in assistive technology including FM systems and TTY.