Specialized Case Managers in Western PA serving Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing

If you live in Allegheny, Westmoreland, Washington, Armstrong, Indiana, Butler, or Lawrence counties you may be eligible. Specialized casemanager work in these counties with Deaf, DeafBlind or Hard of Hearing people who have depression, high stress or other mood problems. Casemanagers can help to find housing, food assistance, health care and budget help.  These agencies … Read more

Deaf Strong Hospital in Harper’s Magazine

Healthbridges comment: The current issue of Harper’s Magazine includes an article that features Deaf Strong Hospital. DSH was part of our presentation together for the 2015 ADARA in Rochester. When I was nineteen, my grandmother suffered a heart attack. I sat by her side while she was slumped in her hospital bed, and watched her … Read more

Safe Interactions with Police

A collaboration Project shared with permission from advocates from Oregon Law Enforcement and Oregon Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Traffic stops can be dangerous. The following video from Oregon outlines how to stay safe when pulled over by law enforcement officers. This video is made by DHS – Oregon Department of Human Services, … Read more

Gambling Awareness

Milestone Centers in Pittsburgh, PA is raising awareness in March for Problem Gambling Awareness Month. This public service video was produced with the help of deaf and hard of hearing clients and staff from Milestone’s Integrative Services program. For more information about Milestones visit https://www.milestonepa.org/