Assistive Technology

1208 - Assistive TechnologyDifferent types of assistive technology can make a huge difference in the lives of a person who is deaf, hard of hearing or deafblind. Some types of assistive technology allow a person to feel more safe in their home. Other products make communication with others more easy.

Pennsylvania Partnership for the Deafblind

When a small population of people with unique, and often complicated, needs is spread throughout such a geographically large state as Pennsylvania, it is very difficult for these individuals and their families to identify, talk to, and learn from people in similar situations. The Pennsylvania Partnership was created to help people who are deafblind and their families make these connections and support each other.

National Family Association for DeafBlind

NFADB exists to empower the voices of families of individuals who are deaf-blind and to advocate for their unique needs.NFADB appreciates the support of the Helen Keller National Center, Sands Point, NY and the Hilton/Perkins Program of Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, MA.

Welcome to Pro-Tactile: the Deafblind Way

Learn about communication and language strategies for some people who are DeafBlind Jelica Nuccio and aj Granda in: “Welcome to Pro-Tactile: the Deafblind Way”. Jelica Nuccio: Hello! Welcome to our very first vlog [aj taps Jelica vigorously on the knee and smiles. Both are receiving signs tactually, and their legs are touching] Called. aj granda: … Read more

Additional Behavioral Health Services – ACHIEVA

ACHIEVA Family Trust Individuals with disabilities and their families face significant challenges in planning for their financial stability. In 2011, ACHIEVA Family Trust provided information and served as trustee for 1,953 individuals with disabilities. ACHIEVA Family Trust is one of the only organizations providing trust services and long term planning for people with disabiliies and … Read more