Evolution of the Hearing Aid

Nowadays hearing aids are only worn by 10-20% of people who could actually benefit from them. It’s a shame really, as these marvels of modern technology have come along way from their humble beginnings. Our latest Infographic looks at this incredible evolution from the Ear Trumpet to the ground breaking In-Ear Amplifiers. Source & embedded … Read more

What is the Director’s Action Line?

The Department of Human Services provides many different services in Allegheny County. These services include child protective services, services for seniors, mental health, food assistance and services for people who have intellectual disabilities. If you have a question or complaint about services or you need more help please contact us.

Assistive Technology

1208 - Assistive TechnologyDifferent types of assistive technology can make a huge difference in the lives of a person who is deaf, hard of hearing or deafblind. Some types of assistive technology allow a person to feel more safe in their home. Other products make communication with others more easy.